Newsletter – Are Australians Finally Waking Up?

Remember in the last Federal election in 2022, where myself and all the other independent candidates disrupted the status quo and despite the algorithmic treachery and underhanded activities both during and in the counting process; it was inevitable that one of the majors would be pushed forward.

Now even though Labour had less votes than the liberals, they declared Government with only 23.9% primary votes, the lowest majority in the entire history of Australian Politics.

What message did the People send to the Australian Government?

Food For Thought:

Q. Who introduced the Two-Party System to Australia and why?
A. The United Nations, so that the majors could not be voted out and complete a globalist outcome of control.

Almost eighteen months later:

Nearly 4 million enrolled people did not vote in this referendum or their votes had been ignored or recycled by the AEC according to Yet another victory for the Australian People. An outstanding result for the NO Voters; refusing to amend our constitution blindly and unnecessarily.

But wait, It gets worse:

Leading up to the election the AEC feeds a loophole that encourages voters to Vote more than once!!

Now let’s not overlook the result in the ACT. OUR public servants, led by the government and who WE finance; could not accept defeat and the wish of the Australian people. They saw fit to allow 5 days of absence from work at our expense in mourning over the loss of the referendum. If this treasonous display towards the Australian people doesn’t tell you the people, who the government truly represents, then I see little hope for our children and grand children’s future.

Finally, one last note: Australians beware! that both the majors, as well as the shadow majors literally answer to the one globalist master. Is it any wonder that the other Tag Team member, the liberals, are already pushing for another referendum.

Where is our Consent?


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